Solidarity Campaign 2021
Nine years of Vila dos Sonhos
We thank each one of you, who has helped make this dream a reality over these nine years.
From a degraded land, emerged an oasis for local and international children and youth. A space of peace, opportunities and knowledge. A place where nature flourishes, inspires human connection and encourages all of us to do more good.
To celebrate the nine years of Vila dos Sonhos project, we invite all of you to continue building this important project.
We are returning our activities in the project (presential), improving the Village’s structure and developing projects and initiatives in favour of the children, youth and volunteers.
Our goals:
Kitchen renovation to improve the service offered to the children, youth and volunteers. We will equip it to offer courses, training and food production, in order to generate sustainability for the Vila dos Sonhos.
Solidarity House
House / shelter to accommodate volunteers from Brazil and other countries who wish to stay for the medium and long-term in the Vila do Sonhos. This space is very important to enable us to welcome more volunteers to work towards our dreams.
We continue with the highly important mission of environmental preservation, reforestation, and protection of natural springs in the Vila dos Sonhos. In recent years we have witnessed the growth of a variety of species, fauna and flora in our Village. Be the difference that we want to see in the world.
Our focus is on achieving these three goals that will be of great importance to our structure. It will enable us to welcome students, teachers and volunteers so that they learn, teach and share knowledge within our projects and continue with the reforestation and spring protection in our Ecological Sanctuary.
Contribute in any way you can - by publicizing a campaign, purchasing quotas or sponsoring project-specific costs (information below):
Suggested Contribution:
Bronze quota: £ 10,00 / US$ 15,00
Silver quota: £ 20,00 / US$ 30,00
Gold quota: £ 50,00 / US$ 70,00
Solidarity Master: Above £ 50,00 / US$ 70,00 or sponsoring one of the project costs bellow
We count on your help to make this dream come true. Lets make a difference !!
To donate one or more quotas:
Or deposit in our account:
Childrens Aid
Barclays PLC
Sort Code: 206088
Account: 93896056
Associação ChildrensAid / Onda Solidaria, CNPJ: 12.904.070/0001-53
Agência: 0213
Conta: 11170-8
Caixa Econômica Federal
AG: 1327
CC: 965-8 (Op: 003)
To mobilize campaigns, groups and to know more ways to collaborate please contact: ondasolidaria@ondasolidaria.org

Vídeo Campanha Solidária 2021
Initial steps:
Structuring of areas: Completed V
Dream / Project under construction
Materials (detailed costs in the excel spreadsheet below):
Infrastructure: £ 293,87
Windows / Glass / Door: £ 866,67
Covering / lining / tile: £ 878,31
Plumbing / equipment: £ 693,33
Kitchen Utensil: £ 800,00
Labor: £ 780,00
Sub total: £ 4.312,18
Solidário House
Infrastructure: £ 1.930,13
Wood materials: £ 1.510,00
Slab / roof: £ 1.540,67
Plumbing / bathroom: £ 466,67
Electric part: £ 289,33
Labor: £ 4.208,00
Sub total: £ 9.944,80
Trees: £ 1.333,33
Tools / grass: £ 1.010,00
Labor: £ 800,00
Sub total: £ 3.143,33
Campaign total: £ 17.400,31 (100%)
Amount collected: £ 9.222,16 (53%)
Remaining amount: £ 8.178,15 (47%)
We will update project progress and amounts raised during the campaign.
Detailed cost sheet:
